
Nobody ever quit a job because of too much recognition.

If your workplace has a ‘clock in’ and ‘clock out’ mentality, the chances are you’re missing out on improved performance and financial returns.

When employees feel that their efforts are seen and appreciated, and they understand the measurable impact they are having on the business, they feel good about what they do and they stick around.

This is especially important for employees working remotely, where it’s easy to feel out of sight and out of mind.

But here’s the thing… in order for recognition to motivate employees, it has to be done thoughtfully and timely.

Why? Because recognition is not a one size fits all approach. Different approaches motivate people differently.

What works for one person may not work for another. When you understand what motivates your employees, you can tailor the way you recognise them to the way they like to be recognised.

⭐️Tip: If you don’t know what motivates your employees -ask them directly.

Whilst public recognition might work for an employee who is more extroverted, that type of recognition can feel overwhelming for an employee who is perhaps more of an introvert.

⭐️ Tip: See it, say it, sort it.

If you see performance or behaviour you like -recognise it. If someone is going above and beyond, tell them how much you appreciate their effort and that it’s not gone unnoticed.

⭐️ Tip: Don’t wait for a ‘special day’ to recognise people in your business.

Creating a culture where people are recognised and appreciated, is the fuel of continuous improvement.

It costs very little and helps you achieve amazing results. And right now, which business could achieve results without their people?